Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day of Rest

I had a jam-packed, family fun day yesterday. It started with a serious blonde moment, when I stood up from my seat on the train and whacked my head SO HARD on the overhead storage shelf. It made such a loud noise that I startled other train passengers... A few passengers blatantly laughed at me. (Jerks.)

Anyway, I hung out with my family from 8:30am until 8:30pm -- mostly with my sister, who brought to my attention that I never mention her in my blog. (Hi, Caron.) We got breakfast together, had our nails done, did some shopping, had lunch with our mom, visited our Dad, and had one heck of a Just Dance battle on Wii. The day ended with a triple-failure of a quest to find a place to eat nachos and play Keno. (We'd had a premonition of lucky numbers at breakfast.) Doesn't seem like too hard of a quest, right?! Wrong. We went to like 5 different bars! At last, we ended up at a bar that had Keno, but when we sat down to order, realized that there were no nachos on the menu. (What kind of bar doesn't have nachos?!?!) No nachos + losing all 3 games of Keno we played + having a generally lame time at this lame bar = triple failure. Oh well, everything else about the day was fun!

So today, Sunday, shall be a day of rest. I'm trying to get back to Church regularly, and in doing so would like to keep every Sunday as a restful, peaceful, home-y sort of day. I think that's a good goal for 2013!

1. My unconventional family
2. Feeling content
3. Mom's home cooking

(Finn likes the idea of "a day of rest," too.)

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