Sunday, September 15, 2013

Easy like a Sunday Morning

This morning was the first morning in a while that I didn't have to wake up and go somewhere.  Between work events, training workshops, and family activities, it's been a busy few weeks.  Knowing that I have to work next weekend, too, I really wanted to enjoy today.

Today's weather is perfect -- sunny but cool. The leaves are starting to turn colors in the city, so it's just beautiful to be outside.  It's the kind of autumn morning that is worthy of a pumpkin coffee and breakfast treat!

There is no shortage of breakfast bakeries or cafés in the South End, but on a Sunday morning, they're all CROWDED.  After checking in at a few familiar places, I was frustrated at the lines, noise, and lack of seating.

Thankfully, in taking a chance at a new café, I stumbled upon the most perfect "first autumn themed breakfast." 

This is at Jaho Coffee & Tea. They put a jack o'lantern face in my decaf pumpkin spice coffee (which was delicious!), served it in a beautiful yellow mug, and warmed up my cinnamon scone. And I got to enjoy it while sitting outside on the street, watching people walk by with their dogs.  I saw a beautiful German Shepherd, which reminded me of my childhood dog, and the squishiest little/big Mastiff puppy. I am surrounded by things that make me happy!

1. Mornings like this
2. Quiet spaces in the busy city
3. The humility of realizing that I live a luxurious life

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