Thursday, April 25, 2013

My Usual Self

After the horror of Friday, Saturday was a sigh of relief. It was still a solemn day, remembering the four lives that were lost and the hundreds of victims that were injured, but it was amazing to be back on the city streets in the sunshine.

I was back to my usual self last weekend. Crisp and I went to Copley to do some shopping. In J.Crew, he showed me some orange pants he wanted to try on. I said OK and then started looking through accessories. (Distracted by shiny things, just like a bird.) The store was crowded, and I was really interested in some bracelets, but I thought I heard Crisp say something to me from the curtained dressing room. I saw his hand disappear behind the curtain, so I walked over, stood outside the curtained room, and asked what he had said to me.

That's when I saw Crisp across the store, with the orange pants in his hand, and an expression on his face that read "Who are you talking to and what on earth are you doing, you crazy weird person?!"

Then I saw the wife of the stranger behind the curtain, and she gave me a similar look. I laughed very awkwardly, squeaked out an apology, and walked to the corner of the store where I blushed out my shame.

1. A "normal" day
2. Spontaneous outings with friends
3. Laughing at myself

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