Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wednesday Morning Text to Crisp

"I tried to wake up with enough time to clean off the dining table for you this morning, but I failed. I also failed at finding any work pants, so I am wearing leggings today. I hope no one notices. It was about 70 degrees and humid this morning. I tried to clean up my crap in the bathroom, but I forgot my clothes that are on top of the cabinet. I did scrape together enough time to bring the drycleaning that's been annoying you to Allegro. As I was walking out with my handbag, work bag, and bag of drycleaning, it decided to downpour. I dropped all the drycleaning all over the ground in an attempt to find and open my umbrella. Then, a small Asian woman, standing in her doorway with a bike helmet on, asked me if it was going to rain all day. I said "I don't know" in a way that probably sounded like "I have no freaking idea, lady. I am not the Weather Channel. Why don't you check the news?!" I hope we don't run into her at any neighborhood events. I then got my hand stuck in the trash barrel on our street while I was throwing away the ripped Victoria Secret bag that held the drycleaning. I'm now too germaphobic to eat the reduced fat blueberry muffin I bought. I will wait until I wash my hands. (Yes, by the way, I am that girl that gets a coffee with cream and sugar, and then asks for a REDUCED FAT muffin.) Anyway, LONGEST TEXT EVER, but I'm sorry I didn't get to clean off the dining room table. I know that a clean apartment makes you feel better, and I want you to have a better day today. I love you, Crisp. ❤"

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