Monday, May 20, 2013

So sleepy

I have not blogged in a little bit because life has been crazy due to work. I worked a full week last week, and then pulled in 50+ hours between Friday and Sunday. I stayed out near work, instead of at home, because of the long hours. Spent my first night back at home last night and enjoyed some serious snuggle time with Finnie (and with Crisp too). Today, it was back to the normal grind with a full work day. On top of the that, it was about 85 degrees out, and I spent the day walking around campus. That means serious sweating, serious headache, and seriously extreme fatigue. I'm on the train home now, and I just tried to pay my fare with my debit card instead of my train pass. Oy!!

1. Home sweet home
2. Air conditioning
3. A sense of accomplishment

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