Saturday, May 25, 2013

Still Sleepy on Saturday

Good Saturday morning!! I am on the 7:30am train, headed out of the city to meet up with my sister before our cousin's wedding shower today. I am so tired.

I usually can wake up at 6am without a problem, but this morning was rough. Mostly because I went to sleep at 11:30pm and then was wide awake from 3:30am until 5am worrying about complete nonsense. Here is a sample of things that were running through my mind:
- What if I sleep through my alarm?
- What if the clothes I picked for the Zumba-themed wedding shower are too casual?
- A Zumba-themed shower is pretty great... What will my hypothetical/future wedding shower be like? (It's good that I'm thinking of this now, considering that I am not engaged.)
- Do I want a wedding shower? That's a lot of attention on me for a long period of time...
- I'm going to Google this and see if many people choose not to have wedding showers.
- I wonder if staring at my phone is going to make it even less likely for me to fall back asleep. (I did it anyway.)
- Seems like a lot of people have engagement parties instead of wedding showers... What's the protocol for that?! (Cue another Google search.)
- Do I even want to get married?
- If I do get married, where will I have the ceremony?
- There's a chapel that I like in Framingham... I wonder if my priest can do the ceremony there.
- The Framingham chapel isn't a Catholic Church... Does that break Catholic rules? (Cue another Internet search.) (Remember, I am not engaged but somehow so worried about this now.)
- If I get married, who will watch Finn during the ceremony and reception?
- Would a hotel let a dog stay in a hotel room during a wedding ceremony?
- Would Finn come to the reception?
- Am I a crazy dog lady?
- Why can't I sleep?
- Crisp is warm. Maybe cuddling on him will help me sleep.
- I wonder if my breathing on Crisp's neck is going to wake him up.
- Is Crisp breathing funny?
- Does he have sleep apnea?
- I hope he never dies in his sleep.
- I hope I don't die in my sleep.
- Thinking about dying at 4am is going to give me an anxiety attack.
- My eye is twitching... I think I'm having an anxiety attack.
- I should take an anti-anxiety pill.
- My eye is still twitching.
- I wonder if there are ghosts in the apartment.
- I hope there aren't evil spirits.
- Maybe it's not anxiety that in feeling... Maybe it's an evil spirit trying to possess my soul.
- I love Jesus too much to get possessed, I think.
- I haven't been to church in a few weeks... I should go.
- My arms and legs feel heavy.

I think it was at this point that I started to fall back asleep. Last time I looked at the clock, it said 5:03am. My alarm went off at 6:10am. My poor brain. It just never stops!

1. Jesus Christ
2. Meditation
3. Weekends with the peeps I love!

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