Friday, July 5, 2013

¡Feliz Día de la Independencia!

In our house, we get two fun summer holidays in a row.  America's Independence Day is the 4th of July, and Venezuela's Independence Day is the 5th of July. 

Learning about and celebrating other countries' traditions has always been interesting to me, but learning about Venezuela from Crisp and his family has been pretty awesome. For example:

- Venezuelans point at things with their lips. (I can't even describe it accurately... You just have to see it.)

- Venezuela has produced the most Miss Universe winners. Seriously beautiful people. 

- Arepas and hallacas are some of the most delicious foods I have ever tasted.

- Dominoes > board games or playing cards

- Every occasion is a party worthy of too much food, flowing beverages, and loud music. This includes but is not limited to Christmas Eve, baby showers, and Sunday family dinners.

Hoy estamos celebrando con almuerza en un restaurante venezolano en Boston.  ¡Feliz 5 de julio!

1. Familia
2. Libertad 
3. Verano 
(4. y arepas, por supuesto)

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